Lightweight alloy toe cap meets CSA Z195-14 Grade 1 and ASTM F2413, I/75 and C/75 impact and compression safety standards.

Protective footwear must pass two tests for impact and compression. Under the I-75 test for impact, a shoe must withstand a 75lbs. impact with 16/32” clearance for men’s and 15/32 clearance for women’s. Under the C-75 test for compression, a shoe must with stand 2500lbs of compression while maintaining at least 16/32” clearance for men’s and 15/32 clearance for women’s.

Non-metallic toe cap meets CSA Z195-14 Grade 1 and ASTM F2413, I/75 and C/75 impact and compression safety standards.

Provides secondary underfoot protection against live electrical circuits, electrically energized conductors, parts or apparatus. Meets ASTM F2413 standards.

Waterproof leather and waterproof membrane construction.

Meets CSA Z195-14 electric shock resistance. Sole provides resistance to electric shock, intended to withstand 18,000 volts and leakage current not exceeding 1mA.

Non-metallic safety components combined with non-metallic hardware.

The latest generation of composite safety technology, carbon nanotubes are combined with fiberglass resin to create one of the strongest and lightest safety toes on the market. Our nano toes are dual ASTM F2413 and CSA Z195 certified.

Steel toe cap meets CSA Z195-14 Grade 1 and ASTM F2413, I/75 and C/75 impact and compression safety standards.

Meets ASTM F2413 and CSA Z195-14 puncture resistant standards with protective soles.

Outsole has been tested in accordance to CSA Z195 Slip Resisting standard.

Meets CSA standards for SD+. Each test specimen shall fall within a range of 10^6 to 3.5 x 10^7 Ohms.

Meets CSA standards for SD. Each test specimen shall fall within a range of 10^6 to 3.5 x 10^8 Ohms.

The CSA Green Triangle indicates sole puncture protection with a Grade 1 Protective toe to withstand impacts up to 25 joules. Sole puncture protection is designed to withstand a force of not less than 1200 Newtons ( 122kils/ 270 pounds ).

The CSA White Rectangle with orange Greek letter omega indicates soles that provide resistance to electric shock. Such certified footwear contains a sole and heel design assembly that, at the point of manufacturing, has electrical insulating properties to withstand 18,000 Volts and a leakage current not exceeding 1mA for 60 seconds.

The CSA Yellow rectangle with a black “SD” indicates that soles are static-dissipative. The outer soles are made from an anti-static compound, capable of dissipating an electrostatic charge in a controlled manner. The test criteria are 10^6 to 10^8 Ohms. Note that SD footwear without toe protection will not have sole protection certified by CSA.

The CSA Yellow rectangle with a black “SD+” indicates soles are super static-dissipative. This protection feature is similar to SD, except the test criteria are 10^6 to 3.5 x 10^7 Ohms.